
I am certain

There’s certainty and there’s uncertainty. Many times, they’re on the opposite sides of the same coin. And when the House adjourned yesterday without fighting for a compromise that would solve the deficit and continue to bring life sustaining services to the people of Louisiana, it became certain that, in the short term, life will be uncertain.

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I know why I’m here

Yesterday, I posed a question to my colleagues in the Legislature: What are we doing here? What are we doing here if we’re not prepared to make the hard decisions? What are we doing here if we aren’t going to find a compromise? What are we doing here if we won’t find a permanent solution to the structural budget problems that have plagued our State for years? What are we doing here if we aren’t determined to do the best we can for the people of Louisiana?

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Demand action to prevent the Fiscal Cliff

Welcome to 2018! January is always an exciting time for me. It provides us with an opportunity to reflect, plan, and re-set our expectations and goals! This year, as in years past, we have our work cut out for us. But I, like you, am re-charged and ready for the work that lies ahead.

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A Message from Walt

Dear Friends and Supporters: For nearly a decade, I have had the honor of representing the City of New Orleans and the people of District 91 in the Louisiana House of Representatives, where I also serve as speaker pro tempore. Before that, it was my privilege to serve as an assistant district attorney in Orleans Parish, representing victims of crime and the community at large. Over the course of the last year, I have been encouraged by many to offer myself up for service as mayor of New Orleans. While I deeply considered it and am humbled by the tremendous support of family, friends and constituents, I have decided not to ...

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Building Coalitions: Criminal Justice Reform and the Budget

Last Thursday, the Governor signed ten new bills into law that were born out of the Justice Reinvestment Task Force. Over the next 10 years, this legislative package will reduce our incarceration rate by 10%, save the state $262 Million in the middle of a budget crisis, and reinvest more than $180 Million back into public safety. 

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